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Can I Change Jobs While on Workers Compensation?

Can I Change Jobs While on Workers Compensation?
Can I Change Jobs While on Workers Compensation?

Yes, you can change jobs or get a new job while on workers compensation. And you are still entitled to your insurance benefits even when you change jobs. In some cases, you may even get a lump sum payment from your insurer. However, keep in mind that there could be changes to your weekly payments. And that’s because the computation of your weekly cover is based on your pre-injury weekly earnings. This includes your injured or sick hours weekly. In today’s blog, we will walk you through everything you need to know about worker’s compensation and other insurance options that can protect your business.

Workers Compensation Inclusion

The coverage of workers' compensation may vary depending on your insurance provider, location, premiums or selected policy. But. here’s what’s usually included in workers' compensation insurance coverage:

  • Wages until the insured is fit to work again
  • Medical expenses
  • Rehabilitation treatment costs
  • Funeral expenses in case of death
  • Financial benefits for dependents in case of death
  • Financial benefits in case of partial and permanent impairment
  • Some policies also include mental illness and psychological trauma.

Is Worker's Compensation Compulsory in Australia?

Yes, workers' compensation insurance is compulsory in Australia. All employers must get workers' compensation to protect their employees financially in case they get injured or sick because of work. But as business owners, you shouldn’t just see this as policy compliance, but rather an investment. Getting comprehensive insurance, such as workers' compensation, public liability, professional indemnity, business insurance or construction insurance can protect you, your company, and your employees. These policies are designed to provide you with a financial safety net for unexpected incidents. This gives you peace of mind and also improves your relationship with your employees because it shows that you value their future.

Different Schemes of Workers Compensation

Worker's compensation in Australia has 11 different schemes (3 from Commonwealth Government and 8 representatives from each state and territory). Here’s a quick breakdown for your reference: Workers' Compensation for Commonwealth Government Schemes

  1. Comcare - This scheme applies to employees working in commonwealth agencies and statutory authorities, except for those who served in the Australian Defence Force on or after July 2004.
  2. Seacare - This scheme is designed to provide a financial safety net for seafarers who get injured or sick while working at sea.
  3. Department of Veterans Affairs

Workers Compensation Schemes for State and Territory Schemes

  1. Victoria (VIC) - WorkSafe
  2. Northern Territory (NT) - WorkSafe
  3. Western Australia (WA) - WorkCover
  4. Southern Austalia (SA) - ReturnToWork
  5. New South Wales (NSW) - SafeWork
  6. Tasmania (TAS) - WorkSafe
  7. Australian Capital Territory (ACT) -works
  8. Queensland (QLD) - WorkSafe

How it Works

In Australia, employers pay for workers' compensation premiums. This insurance policy should cover full-time and part-time employees, contractors, and apprentices. In some cases, workers' compensation may cover casual workers and volunteers. It may also include those who travel for work or on work-related business. Keep in mind that the policy only covers work-related injuries or illnesses that require medical treatment or time off. Policies may also differ, so always check with your insurance provider to verify the coverage of your insurance.

How to Make a Claim

Here’s what you usually need to do when filing a claim for your worker's compensation:

  • Inform your employer about your work-related injury or illness. For instance, you may need to file an incident report as soon as possible.
  • Consult a doctor and get a medical certificate or work capacity certificate for documentation. Your medical certificate should indicate your condition, required treatment, and recovery time.
  • Submit the claim form. Some schemes allow this via online or phone calls. Again, check with your insurer to know more about their protocol.
  • In some cases, your employer may also ask you to visit another accredited doctor to get more proof of your injury or illness and the required treatment.

In general, the employer receives the payment for incapacity and must give it to the insured employee. Check your insurance scheme to determine the exact process of your claim.

What Happens to My Work Compensation Benefits If Start a New Job?

There are no rules regarding changing jobs or looking for new jobs while getting workers' compensation benefits. But as mentioned earlier, there can be changes to your claims. If you’re planning to look for a new job, always remember these things:

  • They cannot remove your benefits just because you are changing jobs.
  • They cannot remove your benefits just because you need to adjust to a lighter workload.
  • They cannot remove your benefits just because you have a less-paying job.

Few Reminders Before Returning to Work

Whatever your reason is–whether financial or personal reasons, returning to work after an injury or illness requires careful consideration. Take the time you need to fully heal or recover. Keep in mind that returning to work too soon can only slow down your recovery process. Be sure to visit your physician and get a certificate that you are fit to work.

Need Help with Workers Compensation?

Still in search of a reputable insurance broker for your business? Connect Business Insurance have you covered! We offer different insurance types that protect you and your business! We can help you choose the best policy that suits your specific needs. Call us today to get a free quote!

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